Thank you, Deep Thakar

What I’ve learnt from my First Job

3 min readMay 2, 2016

It’s Labor day(May 1st) here. Sunday though. Hadn’t realized it until today. Rushing on my bike at 45kmph(average) to the venue where I gotta get myself in 25min. Parked my bike nearby after having crawled through a sheer enthusiastic crowd of people aged between like 6,7 and late 50s who were dancing, playing, bird watching, roaming on streets. I’ve found the venue right on time. I phoned him and turned half circle towards my left. About few yards away, there he was, Mr. M. My Boss for the day. This was a Property Site promotion event. Job role was to welcome the people who come for the inquiry and explain them about the properties which were Redevelopment Apartments as well as Bungalows with private lift. I think this private lift thing is just a luxury factor.

That day was an extremely remember-able one. Out of all the ones with whom we had talked to, I was quite surprised when guys like what, in their 25s talking about owning the property or use it as an investment with their astonishing amount of budgets they had. I couldn’t comprehend how these could gather up such a significant amount of money quite soon in their lives. Or was it from their parent’s bank accounts?! Whatever. I’m 20 now. Me here thinking of what’s the next Anime I should watch. Also gotta graduate with this Engineering discipline. And yes, I’m passionate about this.

Met ample number of characters. Was keenly observing my boss the way he handled his art in real estate. He was the Principal Consultant in a Creative agency which currently had extended itself to this marketing area. Brokerage was not imposed on the buyers but on the Builders. A Win-win situation. He had also introduced this concept of allocating a servant room which I saw as a USP. Apart from this, we had a variety of conversations involving business execution, agency invoice generation, Dubai anecdotes, political trolls, ironical discipline in India and also about his son and family. Talk included mostly of the things that ain’t related to the job I was assigned for.

So here it is. I sense your sighing face. Yeah, the Force is telling me.

Hear, Hear, Hear it now….

That What I’ve learnt from my First Job:

  • Never talk for your products. Talk for your customers. About your customers.
  • Patience is the most inevitable ingredient for any business.
  • Aiming an Overnight success is pointless. Grow yourself gradually. What grows in an instant falls instantly.
  • Go to places where customers can take part right from their comfort zone.
  • Locate your target audience. Infiltrate them in their own space. In Good sense, folks.
  • It’s while in search of X, you come across A to Z.
  • Construct The bridge of trust between you and the customers. Which results in new Frontiers to explore.

I was happy that the day was not like the Sunday I usually make out of it.

You Change when you get out of your Comfort zone.

Thank You.

P.S> I’ve waited so long to write something based on own experiences. This One day Job has now given me the Kick to jot down more. You may like or dislike the above piece. But anyway, please do leave your comments.

FYI: This is my first article ever.

